I worked with Jeremy at The George in St. Kilda and his Daube of beef was one of his signature dishes.
I had sadly lost contact with him after he moved to Sydney, but we joyously reconnected when we danced and drank skin contact Spumante Naturale together at RootStock. It was horrifying to hear of his passing just a short while later.
Many of you will have enjoyed his Daube over the years, and to celebrate his memory I’ll be cooking Jeremy’s Daube with our Wagyu. The ‘melt in your mouth’ rich sweetness of Wagyu sings with the bittersweet tannin and acid of Nebbiolo.
Jeremy Strode’s Daube of Beef
4-6 beef cheeks
750ml red wine + 750ml red wine
2 bay leaves
3 sprigs Thyme
6 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
Olive oil
1 cup plain flour- (baked on a tray in the oven for approx. 10 minutes at 180c.)
1 carrot, 1 stick celery. 1 brown onion – all roughly chopped
2lt pre-prepared brown stock -either veal or chicken- (see attached recipe)
Trim the beef cheeks then marinate them in 750ml of wine, thyme, peppercorns, bay leaf and garlic for 48 hours in the fridge. Remove the meat from the liquid (discard the marinating wine but keep the herbs) and pat dry with kitchen towel then season and seal them on all sides in a hot frypan with a little olive oil.
Take a medium-large casserole or pot and place the veg and herbs inside – add a further 750ml of red wine and reduce on the stove to 1/3.
Stir in the flour and stock- bringing the sauce to the boil, skim and then place the meat in.
Turn the stove to low and braise for 2-3 hours or alternatively place a lid on the casserole dish and bake for the same period of time in the oven at 160c.
The cheeks should be very tender when ready- strain the sauce before serving over the Daube.
30% of all purchases of Moondarra Old School Nebbiolo this month will be donated to MoVember to assist with men’s mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling, contact Lifeline on 12 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
Click to order:
3 bottles sales $10
6 bottles sales $15
12 bottles sales $20